Wednesday, 10 April 2019

Using the UHF technology for RFID Vehicle Tracking India

UHF or Ultra-High Frequency refers to RFID frequencies that tend to be between 300 MHz and 3 GHz which is basically 3000 MHz. there is an international standard that has been put in place for readers and tags that operate between the frequencies mentioned above. This standard is the EPC Gen 2 standard. The EPC universal initiative is the name behind the development of this standard for implementing an RFID podium by way of which products in different supply chains can easily be assigned an exclusive code. It is this code that can effectively be used for tracking the products throughout the logistics procedure. Gen 2, which is the second version of this standard, came into being in the year 2004. It is the second version of the standard that is widely used across the world in readers, tags and cards. There are different applications in the field of retail and logistics that make huge benefits from the services of an RFID UHF card supplier in India.

Understanding the Advantages of the UHF Technology

One of the biggest advantages of going for the UHF card solutions of an RFID card supplier in India is that very large reading ranges can easily be achieved with the use of these UHF card solutions. It is due to the fact that majority of the tags and cards that come from the Indian suppliers do not feature batteries. The manufacturers are into designing and supplying the smallest of readers while ensuring that their readers offer a reading distance of several meters quite easily. The only thing that requires due consideration is that the UHF cards do not support encryption. This means that the level of security offered by a UHF card is a bit low in comparison to h security provided by other smart cards available in the market.

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